zondag 3 maart 2024

Every cloud has a silver lining

Hearts of Harmony.  De naam van het koor waarin ik zing. In het koor zing ik baritone. Dus geen tenor, lead of bass. Destijds had ik geen idee wat iedere groep inhield. Inmiddels sing ik ruim 9 jaar met het koor en leer nog steeds om de baritone parts te zingen. Ik moet eerlijk zeggen dat het niet de makkelijkste positie is binnen het koor.
Net als bij elke club hebben ook wij diverse teams en posities om het koor draaiende te houden. Op dit moment ben ik assistent van de team coordinator (ik denk dat mijn positie in Nederland vice voorzitter zou zijn). Een van mijn taken is om in januari een verkiezing (online) te regelend waarin leden hun stem kunnen geven aan een lid die veel voor het koor doet en gedaan heeft. Tijdens een retreat weekend zal ik dan de winnaar bekend maken. Hoe grappig is het dat ik niet de uitslag in handen kreeg, en telkens maar bleef vragen om informatie. Tijdens de laatste repetitie voor ons speciale weekend nam de voorzitster het woord. Ze kon het niet langer meer stilhouden. Wat bleek? Dit jaar gaat de award naar mij!!! Geen wonder dat ik de gegevens niet kreeg, dat er excuses werden gegeven waarom de gegevens niet beschikbaar waren, dat de computer was gecrashed, en nog meer onzin. Tijdens ons retreat weekend gaf de winnaar van vorig jaar een mooie speech en overhandigde ze mij de award. 


Yvonne Bauer – Spirit of 26 - 2024

Yvonne Bauer was born in a little town called Loenen, and grew up in Twello, the Netherlands.  When she was a child, she played the recorder, and then piano, each for two years, memorizing everything her older sister did.   She also sang alto in the church choir.   Yvonne was more interested in sports than music at that time, so music was put on the back burner until she and her husband emigrated to Canada in February, 2009.

Yvonne’s husband, Frank, was on the executive for Care for Newcomers in Red Deer, Alberta.  It was through that connection that Yvonne was introduced to Hearts of Harmony Chorus.  An established member of the chorus encouraged Yvonne to come out to a rehearsal to see what we were all about. After attending a concert,  Yvonne felt the chorus was too “professional” and above her abilities at that time, so It took her two years before she came out to a rehearsal. She finally joined us in November of 2014, and has never looked back.  Hearts of Harmony has been a story of continuous growth and personal development for this talented lady.

Shortly after Yvonne joined the chorus, she and three other new members tried quarteting.  That foursome was short lived, but it was her quarteting start.   She has been singing with Silver Lining  quartet now for almost five years.  They have shown steady improvement, and Yvonne has learned to read music with the help of two other members of the quartet.  As her section leader, I have had the privilege of watching her slow and steady improvement as a baritone singer.  She has become a valuable member of our baritone section, and the incomparable baritone of Silver Lining quartet.

Yvonne is always up for a challenge.  In 2022, five members of Hearts of Harmony joined Alberta Northern Lights Chorus as dual members, to sing on the International stage in the Harmony Classic Div. A contest in Phoenix AZ.  This commitment involved learning several songs, a 15 minute package for the International stage, many trips to Edmonton for rehearsals with ANL, and travel to Phoenix in September. She also sang with the Family Chorus at Contest in both 2017 and again in 2023 in Saskatoon, SK.  All of these experiences served to further develop Yvonne’s confidence and performance abilities.

Hearts of Harmony chorus members describe Yvonne as compassionate and caring with a quiet sense of character.  She is always ready to listen, and to volunteer for tasks in the chorus.  She even seconded her husband Frank to come and help set up and take down risers on rehearsal nights.  Yvonne was nominated for the Red Deer Woman of Excellence in Health and Wellness in 2020 for her work in the community, and she volunteers whenever she can, giving selflessly to others.

Serving on the Management Team has helped Yvonne develop her English proficiency.  She served as Membership Coordinator for four years, and was instrumental in starting our Big Sister program.  Then she served as Communications Coordinator for one year, before applying to be Assistant Team Coordinator.  She started a new riser program for our chorus that is better suited to individual member’s abilities and availability.  And she organized the Spirit of 26 nomination process this year, only to be pleasantly surprised that she is the chorus nomination for 2024!  Yvonne says she has no aspirations for be our Team Coordinator, but she has a history of never looking back.  Who knows what the future holds?

We wish Yvonne a speedy recovery from her scheduled hip replacement in March of 2024.  She is looking forward to getting back to a normal life.  We are very proud of the 2024 Hearts of Harmony Spirit of 26 nomination for 2024 – Yvonne Bauer!

De naam van ons Quartet is "Silver Lining"

Every Cloud has a Silver Lining

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